these are illustrations from a passage in Luke 22:24-30. Jesus was using the image of people eating and the server in response to the disciples wondering who was the greatest. He asked who is greater between the person seating to eat and the server. And after saying it is the one eating, said that he is among us as the one serving. It's an amazing image of Jesus' humility and servant heart. And it is incredible that he came in such humility and served a world that was full of evil, and he served and loved people in sin, and hostile to God. Incredible. It's also a great image for how followers of Jesus should be living. Not as the one eating, but as the server.

In this pic (i know its kind of small), the characters at the table are suppose to emulate various works of the flesh.
Going from the left to right, the two men are 'drunkeness.' the guy on the phone is 'rebellion against parents,' his mom and dad are sitting to the right of him. the dad has his arm around his wife but is looking at the girl next to him with dark hair, they are 'lust' and 'adultery.' the next girl over is 'vanity' and 'selfishness.' the guy on the phone with the shades and the character next to him are 'greed.' and finally you have the server serving them.
The table was to represent the world and ways of the world, and how Jesus came as a servant in the world.

This is a more simple illustration of the same verse. It's done with non-photo blue pencil.